Well, moments after I posted my last entry everybody declared Obama the winner. Looks like I need some more practice with the whole live blogging thing, but tonight was a fun start.
I took screenshots of many many major news websites’ front pages, interesting to see that the NY Times changed their headline after about five minutes. That’s one of the great things about publishing on the internet. You can make a change instantly.
North Carolina still can’t be called, but Obama leads by a fraction of a percent. Indiana is the other really close one. Figures, the Grandstaff side of my family lives in Indiana, and my folks and I live in North Carolina.
It is always exciting to see Democracy in action, and the world wide web has brought us a lot of amazing technologies to watch it all unfold. Stay tuned and I’ll post some screen shots with web design critiques in the next few days.
Now it’s time for me to watch an episode of something funny over on Hulu.com and retire for the night.